Now, more than ever is the time to get your holiday plans together ahead of time. With so many customers planning to do the bulk of their big shopping online, it’s important to be forming your strategy early. Your team can begin as early as now to make sure your business is in prime condition to handle an influx in customers. Here are some ideas to get your team started in preparations for the 2020 holiday season.

Make a Website Optimization Game Plan

In order to maximize site conversations, it’s important to make sure your site is as optimized as possible. In order to make sure everything is completed in time for the holidays, you should create a timeline of what improvements you want to make now. The best way to get started is to look at last year’s analytics and see how the holidays played out. Were there pages that performed higher than others? What were the top products? What pages had the highest drop-off? This will give you a baseline to see where you can improve certain aspects as well as optimize the pages that already work.

Here are common site improvements that will help maximize your site for the holidays:
  • Optimize Abandoned Cart Emails
  • Improve the Checkout Process
  • Review Navigation
  • Create a Shipping Calendar
  • Create Holiday Sales Page

Brainstorm Creative Promotion Ideas

While you are working on site changes, it’s time to think about the promotions you want to run to entice those sales. It’s essential that you run different offers during the holiday season to bring customers coming back for me. The competition during the holidays is fierce, so make sure your promotions are creative and provide the best discount you can offer. Now isn’t the time to be shy. You need to be bold to get those sales!

Here are some ideas to get you brainstorming:
  • Promote Gift Certificates
  • Product Bundles
  • Mystery Items
  • Free Shipping
  • Buy One Get One Offer

Have a Marketing Calendar Prepared

All these optimizations and offers will all be for nothing if you do not have customers coming to the site to shop. There are multiple holiday sale opportunities, so having a marketing calendar is key! Make sure you’re working on lead generation now so that your team has a great list of potential and recurring customers to work off of. Having engaging email and social posts will not only attract the right customers to shop but can also be a great tool to get the word out early. Having the ability to preview the sales and potentially provide early access to email and social followers, will have a huge impact.

Remember, there are the key days you want to hit for the holidays:
  • Thanksgiving
  • Black Friday
  • Small Business Saturday
  • Cyber Monday
  • Green Monday
  • Boxing Day
  • New Year’s Eve
  • New Year’s Day

With proper planning and a lot of hard work, your business will be able to make the holidays the highlight of your year!

For help with your holiday strategy or to speak with one of our eCommerce Consultants, call us at 678-402-6378 or email

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